Application of Iqbal's Thought to Promote Thougtful Intelligence


  • Dr. Musarrat Jabeen


Thoughtful Intelligence means to locate yourself in the system of humanity as per your knowledge of past, -present & future relevant to the situation. It is to locate yourself in the system of humanity as per your status relevant to you, to your family and to your community & nation. To begin with, if you want to thrive personally and professionally, and want to enjoy healthy relationships then start treating ‘yourself’ like you would treat someone you dearly love. How can you expect to rise higher in this life if your inner conversation is impure? Your outer world is a reflection of your inner paradigm. Thoughtful Intelligence is the higher order of thinking to train the mind-set to produce intention and actions. Thoughtful intelligence can be struggled for and acquired. It comprises of capacity to understand and realize the impact of one’s thoughts, words and actions on the survival, dignity and development of individuals, groups and nations. The impact can be realized in ‘Time’ (for how many days, weeks, months or years the impact will continue) and ‘Space’ (for how far geographical land with or without human beings will be effected). It establishes thoughtful thoughts.  There comes a point in life when you have to make a choice. The choice is to greet every day with a compassionate heart, awareness, and an open mindedness. For this purpose, you have to say “YES!” to your life and “YES!” to owning your space here on this planet so that you can attain full potential and make your unique contribution towards this world. Think that what is profitable as per your capacity for the system of humanity should be known to you as your success and purpose of life.


