About the Institution

Iqbal Academy Pakistan is the centre of excellence for Iqbal studies and the oldest statutory body of the country, established through the Iqbal Academy act, 1951, and late through the Iqbal academy Ordinance No. XXVI of 1962.  

The aims and objectives of the Academy are to promote and disseminate the study and understanding of the works and teachings of Allama Iqbal.

(a)   to promote the study and understanding of the works of Iqbal;

(b)   to institute scholarships and Lectureships for furthering the study of the works and teachings of Iqbal;

(c)   to publish books, pamphlets and periodicals relating to the said study;

(d)  to award prizes, rewards and donations to authors who, in the opinion of the Academy, have made contributions to the study of the works and teachings of Iqbal, and to enter into contracts with authors in order to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance;

(e)  to organize lectures, talks, discussions, study groups and conferences on Iqbal and to send delegates to conferences held in foreign countries for the study of Iqbal's works and teachings, or for any matter to which that study is relevant or by which it may be advanced or profited;

(f)   to confer in the prescribed manner Fellowships on scholars who, in the opinion of the Academy, have made contributions to the study of the works and teachings of Iqbal;

(g)   to co-operate with, or grant amalgamation or affiliation to, any other association established for a purpose similar to that of the Academy, whether the purpose of that other association is confined to the works and teachings of Iqbal or not; and

(h)   to do such other acts and things as may further the aims and objects of the Academy.