The Interconnectedness of Existence

A Call to Awaken the Light of Dharma


  • Muhammad Suheyl Umar


This paper examines the spiritual crisis of the modern world, which transcends political and economic systems. As the 20th century approached, both the East and West were affected by a shared crisis—rooted in the loss of religious certainties and transcendence, a condition that emerged with the rise of the scientific worldview. The belief in humanity as the highest measure of meaning led to the diminishment of human stature and control. Drawing on various religious traditions, the paper emphasizes the need for spiritual reform, reconnecting humans with the divine and transcendent principles, symbolized by the concept of Dharma. This concept, present in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and other Wisdom Traditions, calls for a holistic understanding of the world, where humanity’s spiritual and cosmic well-being are intertwined. The author critiques the modern Western reliance on science for understanding reality and the disregard for Dharmic principles, which encompass existential and ethical values. The environmental and societal crises facing the world are seen as a result of spiritual detachment. The paper advocates for a return to the transcendental worldview, where all of nature and human actions are interconnected with the divine, urging humanity to adopt a more spiritually grounded approach to life and the environment.


