Reconciling Modernity, Postmodernism, and Tradition

A Critique of Enlightenment Through an Islamic Lens


  • Muhammad Suheyl Umar


The intellectual and cultural transition from Modernity to Postmodernism in the late twentieth century is often seen as a response to growing relativism and the erosion of traditional values. Postmodernism challenged the Enlightenment’s faith in reason, replacing it with skepticism and relativism, but this shift had deeper roots. Even before Postmodernism took center stage, thinkers diagnosed the decline in traditional metaphysical and moral frameworks, proposing critiques and remedies aimed at spiritual and intellectual reform. Their efforts called for a renewed examination of metaphysics, traditional sciences, and spiritual traditions, stressing the importance of intellectual discernment and spiritual realization. The article by Basit, “Studying the Western Other, Understanding the Islamic Self: A Qur’anically Reasoned Perspective, ” offers a unique integration of Western modern experiences with Islamic spiritual outlooks. This critique of the Enlightenment’s paradigm invites a reconsideration of settled convictions, particularly regarding the Enlightenment’s rejection of transcendence and its consequences for human rationality and spiritual life. Basit’s work encourages dialogue between Islamic and Western intellectual traditions, advocating for a synthesis of Enlightenment values, like individualism and universalism, with Islamic principles. This discourse leads to a re-evaluation of how Postmodernism, while critical of Modernity, also falls short in addressing metaphysical truths and spiritual dimensions. The article argues that contemporary thinkers must engage with the Enlightenment critically, rejecting its flaws while acknowledging its contributions. Ultimately, the call is for a “redeem-reform-embrace” approach, aiming to reconcile the best of Modernity, Postmodernism, and Islamic tradition, fostering an enriched understanding of both the self and the ‘Other. ’ This synthesis could lead to a more balanced, spiritually rooted intellectual outlook that transcends the limitations of both Modern and Postmodern paradigms.


