عشق رسالت مآبؐ، اخلاق اور علامہ اقبال


  • Dr. Ali Muhammad Bhatt


In this article the writer has described relationship between ethical development and the love of Holy Prophet (SAW). He elaborates this concept in the light of Iqbal's thought and poetry. Narrating that ethics is derived from Greek word Ethos he says that this term consists of moral values, principles and attitudes. Human ethics or morality is a reflection of higher values like truthfulness and other features of human character. It is evident that the personality of a person is imbued in the personality of beloved. Iqbal says that the love of the Holy Prophet (SAW) is a source of inspiration for superior ethical values and development of character for the followers. It is only love of the Holy Prophet (SAW) that can enable us to develop of our personality and to achieve the exalted status of spirituality as well as development of character.


