اسرارِ خودی کی تصنیف-محرک اور مقصد


  • Dr. Tahir Hameed Tanoli


Iqbal's concept of ego is of significant importance in his philosophy. During formulating his thought and philosophy to revive his nation, who has left the practice of action and was totally dependent on destiny and was living in the fascination of past, Iqbal aroused the thought of revival in his nation through his philosophy of khudi. In elaboration of his philosophy of ego Iqbal used both practical and intellectual methods. The intellectual method includes philosophically and traditional arguments while the practical method is didactic and ethical. Iqbal's concept of ego not only rejuvenates the nation to follow it but it also provides possibilities of personality development. The approach and methodology of practical tasawuf provides the mechanism to actualize Iqbal's concept of ego.


