اقبال کا نظریۂ خودی

اسرارِ خودی کی روشنی میں


  • Dr. Abdul Mughni


Many verses of Iqbal reflect that he was not optimistic about philosophy that it can give awareness about life. The contemporary situation of Iqbal was dominated by the trends of suppression in the life of Muslim nation. When he was writing the Development of Metaphysics in Persia, a detailed study of role of tasawuf changed his views about its role in society. The attitude of passivity and inactiveness was the result of so called tasawuf that was in practice. Iqbal was of the view that Islam teaches the significance of action. It is action which shapes the destiny of individual and nations. He gave the message of self affirmation that was totally contrary to the literary approaches of his times. He said that it is ego or Khudi which is the essence of being and it depends on the aims and objectives which it creates for itself and then struggles for their achievement. He linked the development of self with Love and self respect. He said that begging is the death of ego. He also gave detailed mechanism of development of ego consisting of three steps i.e. obedience to Almighty Allah, self discipline and Divine vicegerency. Iqbal also describes events from Islamic history in the support of his thesis.


