اسرارِ خودی کا مرکزی موضوع


  • Dr. Raziuddin Siddiqui


Allama Iqbal studied the Persian literature and tasawuf deeply when he was writing his dissertation: The development of Metaphysics in Persia. After this study he found that it was the attitude of self-negation developed under the influence of Persian mysticism which was the major cause of Muslims down fall. Here Iqbal decided that after completion of his studies he will struggle to revive the Muslims by creating self-awareness in them and educating them their real role. This impact can be seen in his poems written in Europe and sent to Sheikh Abdul Qadir. Similarly, this impact is visible in later poems of Bang-e-Dara. Another impotent outcome of this period was Rumi's impact on Iqbal. So when he wrote his Asrar-e-Khudi, it was written in the Rhyme Scheme of Mathanvi of Maulana Rum. Iqbal considers himself performing the same job, which was performed by Rumi in his age. In Asrar-e-Khudi Iqbal narrated Khudi as the real essence of being that is alive due to its objectivity. He gave a detailed mechanism of its development consisting of three stages: Obedience to Almighty Allah, Self-discipline and divine vicegerency. He also elaborated his concepts giving examples from history. He established that only Muslim nation, who has developed Khudi, can be given leading role in the world.


