اسرارِ خودی پر اعتراضات کی حقیقت


  • Maulana Aslam Jeerajpuri


Asrar-e-Khudi of Allama Iqbal has been a topic of criticism amongst many scholars after its publication. But if this criticism is viewed, it is personal instead an intellectual effort. The major points raised are that the elders are disrespected in Asrar-e-Khudi and the meaning of term Khudi is misunderstood. Iqbal's views about tasawuf also raised antagonism among opponent scholars. When Iqbal criticized the inertial role of tasawuf and its anti-Islamic and passive approach which was prevalent in his contemporary mystical circles it also caused anti propaganda. The critics of Asrar-e-Khudi ere giving the narrative of their traditional affiliation with tasawuf or traditional concepts instead any logical arrangement or intellectual discourse. So as analytical study of criticism of Asrar-e-Khudi shows that the critics of Asrar-e-Khudi failed to contribute positively in this regards. Their criticism was not more than a reaction which was the result of Iqbal's attack on the passive approach of contemporary mystical circles.


