دیباچہ اسرارِ خودی


  • Dr. Reynold A. Nicholson


Asrar-i-Khudi is a unique reflection of Iqbal's Thought, though it does not contain his philosophy in a systematic or coherent method. Iqbal has addressed the human heart in his poetry and awakened his nation and his message has surpassed sub-continent to the Muslim World. All of his themes are of Islamic origin. He preaches for the creation of a society where the idols of creed and race don't exist and Baitul Haram is the center. He recalls his nation to turn towards Quran and Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The study of this book may cause difficulties for a western reader and for this reason Iqbal elaborates its major themes with examples for western cultures. According to Iqbal ego is the continuity of human personality and its development is possible through obedience and self discipline when it achieves the status of recognizing Almighty Allah.


