اسرارِ خودی کی فلسفیانہ بنیاد

یہ توضیحی مضمون ڈاکٹر نکلسن کی فرمائش پر تحریر کیا گیا


  • Allama Muhammad Iqbal


According to Bradley the center of Human Experience is limited. Human thoughts demand such a unity in which the experiences of its consciousness intermingle into one unity. According to Iqbal Bradley is partially correct. According to him the limited center of man's experience is human ego. This human ego is the primary and fundamental reality of universe. The objective of human life is not the negation of self or ego but it is an affirmation, cognizance and development of human ego. The same reality was narrated by Holy Prophet SAW that believers must adopt manners of their Creator. Through this methodology human development achieves excellence and depth of self where that all the universe remains limited before it. Human ego is the continuity of his personality. According to Iqbal there are three stages for development of human ego. Through these three stages human ego achieves its excellence and perfection. The book The Secret Of The Self is actually an elaboration of these three stages.


