اقبال کا تصورِ خودی

مسئلہ زمان کے تناظر میں


  • Qamar Sultana


Ego is the primary concept of Iqbal's thought. In his thought ego, the Absolute Ego and time are all interlinked. He believes in non-static universe which is a demonstration of continuous creation of Absolute Ego. The creation is directly linked with time. Holy Quran has narrated time and again that the time and changes in days and nights are the signs of Almighty Allah. Iqbal has declared the problem of time as a problem of life and death for Muslim civilization in Reconstruction. When Iqbal interprets the concept of Taqdeer, it is also a perspective or dimension of time i.e. a series of possibilities which are not unfolded yet. This article elaborates all these dimensions of relationship of time with self and Absolute Ego.


