اسرارِ خودی - مقبولیت اور مخالفت کے ادوار


  • Dr. Almas Khanum


When Allama Muhammad Iqbal wrote his first poetical book Asrar-e-Khudi under the motivation of his father it received appreciation and criticism from various intellectual circles. Since many themes of this book were new to readers, it took time to get due appreciation from scholars. Scholars like Hassan Nizami were initially not ready to agree with the thoughts of Masanavi. However, when Iqbal wrote to the scholars and published his articles to elaborate the themes, it got acceptance. When the book was translated into English, it opened the ways of international recognition for Allama Iqbal. It is an irony that the themes of the book are till today not assimilated by our nation and it needs more efforts and attention to make the teachings and thoughts of this book a part of our national life.


