فطرت اور قوانین فطرت

محسن الملک کی نظر میں


  • Samina Husnain


Nineteenth century was important for its scientific ideas. These ideas not only affected the various facets of human lives but also challenged many basic ideas on which the old religions are based. One of such ideas was “the nature and the laws of nature”. In India one of the staunch believers of modern scientific ideas was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. Being a leader of the Muslims of India, he had to convince his followers that there is no contradiction between religion and the new ideas of nature and the laws of nature. Sir Syed was severely criticized for his ideas by the Muslim religious leaders of his time. One of Sir Syed’s best friends and co-traveler on the path of Muslim reforms Mehdi Ali Khan (Mohsin-ul-Mulk), came to rescue his friend. He not only defended Sir Syed for his ideas on religion and nature and the laws of nature but he gave his own ideas on the subject, sometimes taking a different line from his friend, Sir Syed. This study presents Mohsin-ul-Mulk’s ideas and contributions in this regard, and highlights Mohsinul Mulk’s own contribution to reconcile religion and the laws of nature.


