علامہ اقبال کا ایک خواب اور اس کا مآخذ


  • Abdul Khaliq Butt


In April 1909 Iqbal had a dream which was penned down as the poem Sair-e-Falak included in Bang e Dara. In this poem Iqbal visited heaven and on his way he had seen the hell. He was amazed at witnessing that contrary to his expectations the hell was actually a cold place and the guardian of hell informed Iqbal that hell is cold by nature. Those who arrive in hell bring their own fire with them. Iqbal shared his amazement and the improbable accounts with Atiya Faizi in a letter. The fascinating thing explored in this article is that this was not a dream, it was indeed a conversation between Iqbal's conscious learning from his various research on the subject and the sub-conscious which made the learnings out as a dream of visiting hell and heaven.


