Ibn Arabi Passions Truth to Dialogue


  • Dr. Muhammad Maroof Shah
  • Dr. Musarrat Jabeen


Inter and intra belief systems dialogue features ceaselessly, because of the new experience and new revelations which bring new challenges and demand new understanding. Emulating truth showcases the mindset of cultures and civilizations; it flourishes when connectivity based on truth prevails. Ibn Arabi passions: Truth to Dialogue; cumulative of universally recognized truths in theological and scriptural material that has usually been interpreted more parochially or exclusively. In a world increasingly divided by a variety of fundamentalisms, theological imperialism, secular indifferentism, misosophical postmodernist belief systems, relativist nihilist and anti transcendentalist ideologies causing moral chaos; it is extremely urgent to explore traditional resources for intercultural and interreligious dialogue. This paper highlights 'Truth', a source for real dialogue between philosophies and religions, tradition and modernity and thus among cultures and civilizations. Ibn Arabi is found aligned with the unified position of all prophets (the founders of world religions) saints and traditional philosophers like Plato. He premises Islam with two composites; primacy of intelligence and objectivity, the most desired in the wake of misosophical and irrationalist. Ibn Arabi‘s passion to 'Truth' inclined dialogue based on revelation, wisdom, and moral purification; contemplation of love, beauty, mercy, inspiration and commandant makes him admirably to be explored for the resources on the issue of inter-civilization dialogue.


