Children's Education and Training


  • Dr. Khalid Almas


Allama Muhammad Iqbal has discussed philosophy and system of education in his poetry and prose writings. An ideal education for young generation has been an important theme of his thought. According to Allama Iqbal the purpose of an ideal education system is to improve the abilities in children which emerge in them in the early age. Allama Iqbal has described different methods that how the children should be educated and trained. Analysing the period of childhood in the light of academic principles, Allama Iqbal has emphasized the need of a modus operandi that must be practicable, effective and must consist of simple and clear principles to educate children. He narrates the need of such educational principles which could be conceived by any layman and could be benefited from them. Apart from other poetical and prose writings an article of Allama Muhammad Iqbal on children's education and training was published in Makhzan. This article was written in Urdu. In this article Allama Iqbal described that it is convenient to teach the mature students but to educate immature ones is a tough job. The educators of our country are not aware of the difficulties of this job. Since our classical education system does not taking into account the children's level of rational and contemplative development, therefore, its consequences also prove to be serious. The mental abilities of the children cannot improve to make them successful personalities. Furthermore in the years of their later age these educational shortcomings are seen more intensely. To conceive the routine matters and to resolve its complexities, it is necessary that the necessities of their practical personality must be focused right from the beginning. Otherwise, their life is a tragic series of failures and their existence for society just suspends. This article is English translation of the Urdu article (بچوں کی تعلیم و تربیت) of Allama Muhammad Iqbal which is also an introduction to his educational thought.


