Iqbal and Ali Shariati

An Engagement with Modern Sociological Thought


  • Dr. Ajaz Ahmad Lone


Iqbal and Ali Shariati are the two most illustrious social reformers of contemporary Muslim Ummah, and the reliable commentators on the concept of culture, values, norms, traditions, modernity etc. Their thought can help us to steer the past and face the challenges of new century. This paper is focused on the Iqbal’s and Ali Shariati’s concern about the future of mankind and clash of various civilizations. Iqbal’s and Ali Shariati’s contribution to Muslim social reformation is immense. In contemporary scenerio, when the world at large is living in chaos, confusion, distress and misery, the thought of Iqbal and Ali Shariati become is more important. The world is in a critical need of a deep and comprehensive philosophical thought based on Iqbal’s and Ali Shariati’s multi-faceted philosophy. Iqbal and Ali Shariati, have contributed to sociology of religion, culture, individual, society and gender justice. Their concepts of values and norms, culture and civilization have immense importance in the contemporary sociological thought. This paper will discuss the sociological thought of Allama Iqbal and Ali Shariati, their concepts of social change and the impact of Iqbal’s thought on Ali Shariati.


