Mysticism of Joy and Laughter

A Traditionalist Critique of Osho


  • Dr. Mohammad Maruf Shah


Osho’s primary emphasis falls on the affirmation of life and its celebration. He focuses on the ananda aspect of the Reality. As he says: so let your blissfulness be the only criterion. If something is making you blissful, it is bound to be real- because from the unreal you can’t get blissfulness. This paper attempts a critical appraisal from the traditionalist perspective of Rajneesh. This paper argues that he ignores certain other dimensions of mystical path and even risks hedonization of mysticism. Reducing mysticism to the art of pursuing bliss implies renouncing grand theological and metaphysical claims that all religions have made including the apparently non-metaphysical religions. Aestheticization of life is his fundamental message. Aesthetic orientation is the defining orientation of his mysticism. Life is a song to be sung, a dance to be danced; and only those who can suing and dance and rejoice can know what life is. He hates the old religions which spoke in terms of do’s and don’ts and replaces traditional commandments with what he calls “a few requests.” Osho seeks to turn life into a festival of lights and he is not bothered to see the seamy side of the world. He doesn’t find the world evil or full of suffering. He is extreme antithesis of Buddha and Schopenhauer when he comes to praise the beauties and the charm of the world.


