اقبال اور عجمی تصوف


  • Dr. Rubina Shaheen
  • Prof. Amir Suhail


Iqbal has a strong philosophic system in which we can see the unique blend of religion, mysticism, spirituality and pure reseaon. Iqbal starts to think on mystical issues right from the beginning of his childhood under the proper guidance of his father. Iqbal critically analysed the mystic tradition and pointed out some elements which were contrary to the true teachings of islamic values. As iqbal was a mujadid so he worked out to develop his new analogy on mystic issues. He revamped or revitalized the true sprit of islamic mysticism. There are so many Persian poets who are propagating the negative side of mysticism due to that reason muslims were reluctant to participate in practical affairs. Iqbal condemned this alien element through out his poetic life. In the present article we discussed all these issues at length.


