Physics and Metaphysics of Islamic Eschatology in the Light of Surah-al-Rahman
After the doctrine of Oneness of Allah Almighty (Tawhid) and finality of Prophethood (Risalah) in Islamic philosophy, the creed of Eschatology (Akhirah) has been the epitome of discussions like two other Abrahamic religions with their own realm and limitations. In the present era, with the advancement of knowledge, one may be able to understand realities associated with the Scripture rationally, which have historically been the conceptual dilemma from layman to intellectual approach. This paper is an attempt to explore various dimensions of thought among physics, metaphysics and Islamic religious domains that show the purpose of human journey towards ultimate destination and rationale behind it. In this study, a quantitative method has been employed regarding scientific approach while at some other places we have taken the support of qualitative technique for the metaphysical domain. In the light of Surah al-Rahman, this article encompasses only the major discussions regarding eschatology and the end of the universe. This study also finds some scientific and metaphysical stances concerning Lord’s Omnipresence and His Might and Power. These are the mutually linked discourses showing a fact that how the whole system is being governed with good-looking hierarchy and a fine-tuned mechanism that ultimately invigorate and strengthen one’s thought towards the Ultimate Reality. It may be called an Islamic philosophy regarding Absolute Reality to whom human nature is deeply concerned with.