شرح خطبات اقبال

پہلا خطبہ: علم اور وقوفِ مذہبی (۱)


  • Dr. Khizir Yasin


This series of essays consists of expository and explanatory study of Iqbal's lectures. In this series, analysis of premises and ultimate consequences of concepts in Iqbal's lectures has been presented in light of Muslim thought. First essay of the series has already been published in the last edition of Iqbaliyat magazine. In which expository and explanatory analysis of the foreword of the lectures were presented. The concepts presented in the lectures may not be new in Muslim thought, however their style of expression is quite appealing for the modern mind. Further explanatory annotations can be helpful in understanding these lectures. Some areas of the lectures are relatively difficult while some are relatively easy. Along with calrifying the difficult areas of Iqbal's lectures, an effort has been made to further simplify the easier areas so that Iqbal's position may become clear to every reader. Furthermore, a major objective of this series of essays, is to highlight the philosophical importance of Iqbal's thought.


