عہد حاضر کی تہذیبی کش مکش میں اکبر الٰہ آبادی کی معنویت


  • Khalid Ameen


Civilizational conflict among the nations of the world is such a grave issue which needs to be discussed among intelligentsia. Today's post-modern arena possesses such invaluable characteristics which not only decides the due course of the modern man, but also invites the society to act upon. The day by day changing values of society make mankind an interchangeable animal who is only following the goal of pleasure-seeking liberty and freedom. Such kind of debates have been discussed in Akbar's poetry and he not only questioned the craft of western civilization but also placed some question marks on it. We may see the aftermath of colonialism in the south Asia that how the clash of civilizations has happened within such a minute time period. This is the versatility of Akbar's poetry that it takes the mind to the humorous pattern and impacts it with serious and necessary issues regarding life such as evolution, modern values, spiritualism, relation between man and God and somehow to the question of ontology as well. This article traces down the poetic impression of Akbar into many dimensions that how he addressed the upcoming wave of west within the domain of Urdu humorous poetry.


