اختر" ایک نادر اقبال نمبر"


  • Dr. Yasmeen Kausar


Works on Allama Mohammad Iqbal began in his lifetime and his philosophy began to spread in the world. Hakim Yousuf Hassan Khan's journal "Nairang e Khayal" Published the first Iqbal number in Sep-Oct 1932 and is acknowledged as the first and most important document on Iqbal's Works. Another Iqbal number "Akhtar" was published in March 1938 in Iqbal's life but in Iqbal literature it is still hidden under the veil of anonymity. It has been recently discovered by Yasmeen Kauser during her PhD research and was confirmed by Dr. Rafi-ud-Din Hashmi. This research paper will critically review the journal "Akhtar". Hopefully this Iqbal number will be useful for researchers, critics and scholars of Iqbaliat.


