مشرق و مغرب کا المیہ اور فکر اقبال


  • Dr. Abdul Rauf Rafiqui


In modern times, however, the East is once again in a state of decay, turmoil, and exile. The Islamic Ummah is suffering from the worst political, economic, educational and financial crisis. After the fall of Russia, one of the world's superpowers at the end of the last century, the United States has taken over the management of the world. Hazrat Allama, on the basis of his God-given insight, not only realized this situation a century ago today but also presented the ideas of getting out of this tragedy. It has sought to draw the attention of the West to the bitter reality that humanity cannot afford this fierce confrontation between the East and the West. Religions lead the caravan of humanity to the destination of triumph. The progress of the world religions is for peace and security and not for prejudice, ignorance, exile and decline.


