خودی جواز و جہات


  • Dr. Rafi ud Din Hashmi


The word "Khudi" the Self is more so ever a synonym to "Ego" in Urdu language. It has been brought into religious and mystic literature in the meaning of arrogance and proud in a negative sense. Furthermore, the connotations of this word in different arts and sciences have never been found analogous or coincidental, whatsoever. Allama Iqbal has himself used this word "Khudi" in an positive manner. He has elucidated the significance of this word in his khutbaat and in the forward of his Poetic work "Asraar-e-Khudi" in a very effective way. The under review research article is written to unfold and clarify the different justifications and coincidental concepts of Iqbal's "Khudi". In this article, an attempt has been made to recognize the objectives and motivations of the concept of "Iqbal's Khudi" in the historic background whereby emphasizing on the circumstances, Iqbal was living. The effort endeavors on the social and political perspectives, which obligated the poet to use this word in that particular sense.


